Author, columnist, editor, and sex educator Tristan Taormino is about to unveil a website devoted to open relationships which is to include a list of professionals (therapists, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, consultants, relationship and life coaches, doctors, lawyers, etc.) who are experienced and knowledgeable about open relationships, polyamory, nonmonogamy, swinging, etc.
If you or someone you know would like to be added to the list, here is the info you need in order to submit a listing.
-Title/Occupation/License/What You Do (examples: MSW, PhD., relationship coach)
-Location: this can be a street address or the area you serve, like New York
Metropolitan area
-Do you do phone consultations or sessions?
-Phone number(s)
-Email address
-A brief statement about experience, your practice, anything else you want to say
Please email it to this address
The site will go live in April, but Tristan will be constantly adding to the list,
so you can email the info at any time.
Many thanks to Tristan for her contributions to the polyamory community. Her book on open relationships, Opening Up, is due out on April 28, 2008.