The origin of the Beltane tradition is pre-Christian fertility rituals during which the Goddess was called upon to bless the fields and make them fertile, thus providing food in abundance in the coming growing season. I imagine more than a few babies were also born nine months later.
This year I'll be presenting three new polyamory programs:
Poly/Mono Relating, Cheating, and the Spirit of Love (Friday 4:15 pm - 6:15 pm)
Polyamory as a Spiritual Path (Saturday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
Polyamory in Media's Spotlight (Sunday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm)
There are a total of seven poly-themed programs on the schedule, so people who want to learn more about polyamory will find a lot to choose from.
Poly program titles by other presenters are:
Polyamory for Non-Primary Partners
Polyamory—The Basics and Beyond
Real Life Polyamory: A View from the Trenches
Negotiating Healthy Poly Relationships
Many thanks to the Beltane schedulers for such abundance.