unlimited power in life makes life happy ending

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dancing the May Poly & More at Sacred Sexuality Beltane

What a wonderful Free Spirit Beltane festival T and I just attended! Cat, Liam, Eve and the rest of the crew outdid themselves once again. To them I send many thanks and much gratitude. What a privilege to be present with over three hundred people who appreciate sexuality as a sacred endeavor.

I was responsible for three classes, a facilitated group discussion on Poly/Mono Relating, Cheating, and the Spirit of Love, another facilitated group discussion on Polyamory as a Spiritual Path, and a presentation based on my keynote address at the Florida Poly Retreat this past March, Polyamory in Media's Spotlight. The Polyamory as a Spiritual Path workshop was especially meaningful with lots of great sharing, discussion, and hugs. I very much enjoyed offering new programming in lieu of my usual poly jealousy and poly pitfalls workshops.

Though T and I are not especially pagan, we are definitely pagan friendly and enjoyed participating in some of the rituals, which were both meaningful and a lot of fun. The most memorable one was the gigantic May pole (carved to resemble a sacred phallus, complete with a Prince Albert piercing), and doing the May pole dance with a couple of dozen others. The end result was a beautifully executed pattern of interlaced, multicolored ribbon from the top to the bottom of this 25 foot tall telephone pole of a May pole.

Another memorable experience was the stripper pole and associated partying provided and hosted by our friends T and P. What a great opportunity for people who fantasize about dancing, stripping and seduction. These folks transformed their cabin into a very sensuous lair, complete with erotic slideshow, sexy music, mirrors so dancers could see themselves, light shows and even a "Live Nudes" neon sign. This was a great alternative in the evenings to the dungeon for those of us who aren't expecially kinky.

Speaking of which, I did visit the dungeon space Thursday evening and was treated to a lovely rope harness spectacle by the lucious Ken and Emily. Ken even wrapped me in a deliciously sensuous length of fabric that when finished and tied was a sexy halter top.

Clearly many of us were reluctant to return to the real world, including those of us who lingered on the main ritual field Sunday as long as we possibly could. (Yeah, OK, and to engage in just one more "Beltane bellow", as T calls the lusty cry of Beltane denizens frolicking on the field.)

So here I am back at my desk at work. Where are all my loving peeps? Why am I wearing clothes? (Ok, I guess that one's pretty obvious - some would say it's a good thing - lol!) And why am I not still naked and enjoying this gorgeous, sunshiny day???

Oh well, all things in balance. I thank beneficent diety for blessing us with such fabulous weather over the course of the festival, despite predictions for rain right up until the end of last week, perhaps a sign that we were indeed meant to be doing what we were doing. To every loving, warm-hearted person who attended my little program offerings and contributed so many valuable perspectives, I send both love and gratitude. Likewise to the Sandboxers and Freeheart followers who shared their meals and welcomed T and I into their delightful cabin and company. Many thanks also to Leonard for coordinating sleeping space. And a special note of thanks to Michael and Melanie for setting up and coordinating meal preparation in the outdoor community kitchen. (Especially for the morning coffee!) Special smooches to both of you!

Last but definitely not least, I want to remember Free Spirit Alliance Beltane's founder, the late, great George Marvil (who was Cat's husband) for his creativeness and his commitment in founding this festival, which is now in its eighth year. George was also a polyamory community organizer and founder of the Poly Living polyamory conference held each February in Philadelphia and now being organized by the Loving More nonprofit organization. We love and miss you, George!
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:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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