On February 13, 2008, the Washington Post published a feature length article in its Style Section by Monica Hesse called Pairs with Spares which I posted about here.
Today we learn that glossy, stylish Washington Magazine has published in it's June edition an article on Monica and her considerable talents, in which it speculates as to whether she might be the journalist to save the Style Section from shrinking articles and staff.
What is remarkable about this is that Monica is at present an intern at the Post and is only 26 years old. She is clearly a superstar journalist and social commentator in the making. The polyamory community was very fortunate that she took such an interest in polyamory, in profiling the Loving More Poly Living Conference, and that she managed to convince her editor that it was worthwhile for her to spend a weekend covering it.
I was already a big fan of Monicas, and I'm very happy for her and for this prestigious recognition.