We'll post the rest of these caps below of Ms. Gretchen Carlson in GRAY dress and Cowboy Hat on Wenesday.

Any comments or suggestions on how to improve this blogsite for everyone. Please leave a comment. Thanks.
We will try to post the Fox and friends caps/pictures here everyday.
These are news reporters who deliver the news, let us know what you think about Ms. Gretchen Carlson and Ms. Alisyn Camerota. Let us know also what you think of this blog site. And, if you still want this blog site to continue posting the Fox and Friends after the show caps. Please leave a comment.
CHECK the blog everyday for new caps. Again, please leave a comment on who do you want to see.
More caps will be posted on Wenesday.
This time she's wearing the short GRAY DRESS with a COWBOY HAT.
Caps you haven't seen. Just check it out.
Thank you.