This is the Poll:
Rank | Team | Delta |
1 | Ohio State | -- |
2 | Southern Cal | -- |
3 | Georgia | -- |
4 | Florida | -- |
5 | Oklahoma | -- |
6 | Missouri | -- |
7 | Texas | -- |
8 | Arizona State | -- |
9 | LSU | -- |
10 | Wisconsin | |
11 | East Carolina | |
12 | Kansas | -- |
13 | Brigham Young | -- |
14 | Texas Tech | -- |
15 | Auburn | -- |
16 | Oregon | |
17 | Alabama | |
18 | Virginia Tech | |
19 | Wake Forest | |
20 | West Virginia | |
21 | Clemson | |
22 | Penn State | |
23 | Illinois | |
24 | Fresno State | |
25 | South Florida |
Dropped Out: Tennessee (#24), North Carolina (#25).
What's that, you ask? How does Ohio State keep the top spot despite looking like the JV team against Ohio? Simple: they were the top team last week, and they won. Besides that, USC didn't play - a convincing USC victory over somebody would probably have pushed them to the top. This is still the "predictive" part of the year, where I'm mostly unimpressed by a team kicking around some tin can from the Sun Belt, and I'm mostly unswayed by "bad" wins. Yes, Wake fell a couple spots despite this philosophy, but the muddled 15-25 area is much more volatile than the top 5.
East Carolina, obviously, is the talk of the town. Virginia Tech fell a couple more spots with a fairly unimpressive win over Furman, which has the coolest logo in all of DI-AA, but since ECU followed up a Week 1 shocker with a Week 2 shocker, you have to figure that may actually reflect a little more on ECU being good rather than VT being bad. Penn State shows up after curb-stomping Oregon State. Yes, Oregon State is a bad team, but Penn State acted like a good team and did what good teams are supposed to do. Tennessee and UNC, with a loss and a terrible win, respectively, on their records, get bumped.
Next week is going to be interesting and probably raise some red flags over at headquarters. After three weeks, most teams have played three games; to me, this is enough to vote entirely on resume. This could very well put East Carolina up a lot higher than they are now, and given the tin cans they've got coming up in the next four weeks (yes, us too) they could well be the beneficiaries of my rule that a 7-0 team or better always gets ranked higher than a team with a loss. Teams like LSU will suffer in the rankings, big time; LSU has stomped Appalachian State, will probably stomp North Texas, and that is not really all that cool.
As always, feel free to unfuck me if you think I need it.
Ok, moving on. How did our recruits do this weekend?
Ross Metheny: Opened his season by passing for 169 yards on 11 of 13, with 3 touchdowns, in a 37-10 Sherando win over Musselman.
Perry Jones: Scored two touchdowns in Oscar Smith's rout of Hickory.
Quintin Hunter: Completed 7 of 17 passes for 168 yards and 1 TD; ran for 126 yards on five carries with a long of 63 and scored another TD. Orange beat Culpeper 40-0.
Dominique Wallace: The headline screams WALLACE DOES IT ALL. (!!!) Wallace carried the ball 16 times for 207 and caught a pass for 16 more, and scored all five touchdowns himself in Chancellor's 35-6 over Massaponax. Wallace ran for three, caught one, and ran a teammate's fumble another 79 yards for the final score.
Paul Freedman: Caught a touchdown pass in CCC's 19-0 win over Miami Bay Point.
Recruiting board!
- This is rather old news, but Brennan Williams cut his list even further, and we're still on it, so yay. For him, it's either BC, Wake, or UVA.
- Added schools for Antone Exum and fixed his position. We've offered as a WR, so that's where he gets slotted. However, he plays quarterback and DB in high school and wants to play QB in college.
- Removed WR Rex Burkhead, who was never really thinking UVA real hard, but finally listed a more or less official top six that we are not in.
- Logan Thomas added Florida State and Penn State to his top seven, making it a top nine.
- Added Boston College to Oday Aboushi.
- Removed OT Patrick Ward, who named a top four that takes him nowhere near Charlottesville.
QB Kevin Newsome
- VT, PSU, Mich., UNC, WVU
RB Tavon Austin
- Md., WVU, UGA, Mich., Neb.
RB De'Antwan Williams
- Bama, VT, BC, Md., Rutgers, WVU
WR Justin Brown
- PSU, VT, NCSt., S.Car, UNC
WR Sean Farr
- Md., WVU, Akron, EMU
WR Timothy Smith
- L'ville, S.Car, WVU
WR Antone Exum
- SCar., VT, WVU, PSU, Md., Tenn., Purdue, L'ville, CU, Wake
TE Logan Thomas
- VT, Clemson, WVU, UNC, Wake, Tenn., FSU, PSU
OT Morgan Moses
- pretty much everyone east of the Mississippi
OT Oday Aboushi
- Iowa, Md., Rutgers, PSU, Mich., BC
DE Brennan Williams
- BC, Wake
DE Michael Buchanan
- Purdue, Ill., Cal, Vandy, KU
DE Lanford Collins
- VT, PSU, Tenn., WVU, Md., NCSt., UNC, BC, Ill.
DE Garry Gilliam
- UConn, PSU, Temple, Pitt, Akron
DE Will Hill
- UConn, Md., Mich., UNC, S.Car
DE Anthony LaLota
- BC, UF, Mich., ND, PSU, Rutgers
DE Bernardo Nunez
- lots
DE DeAntre Rhodes
- VT, Md., Clemson, Tenn.
DE Pat Muldoon
- Cincy, BC, Wisc.
OLB Jelani Jenkins
- everyone and their aunt
CB Travis Hawkins
- who isn't interested?
S Javanti Sparrow
- Clemson, UNC, PSU, VT, WVU
S Taylor Sowell
- Miami, VT, WVU, GT
DB Joshua Evans
- 28 other schools. for real.
So, we won on Saturday, and you know this. What about the rest of the league? Some snippets from around the ACC blogworld, sprinkled with editorializing from your humble blogger.
Boston College and Georgia Tech opened the ACC season with the kind of lame, uninspiring game that the ACC is probably going to pump out in spades this year, and even the non-religiously-football-watching crowd can tell it sucks. The GT take isn't much better. One called it "super ugly" and the other said "painful to watch", and I'm not even gonna bother telling you which is which.
Florida State housed some team that the school paid several hundred thousand dollars to come in and do their Sunday best to keep Bobby Bowden out of trouble with the alums. Next week they will do the same, and if there's any justice they will travel to Winston-Salem and get flattened in two weeks.
Wake Forest gave zero people any reason to think the ACC will not totally suck. Ole Miss could not win a single SEC game last year and came thisclose to knocking off our (supposed) second or third best team in their own house. Old Gold & Blog is remarkably calm in times when most people would say, "yes we won BUT" and commence to running in panicked circles around their living room.
Gobbler Country would like you to boo Sean Glennon. This is not a hard request for most Tech fans.
Maryland BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Small reminder that that was oh so close to being us last year. That out of the way, who cares? HA. Maybe, just maybe, their plutoid-size coach should check to see which teams are "pretty good" (hint: not yours, coach) before opening his mouth.