Please try to understand that due to limited space given to us we can't upload all the caps and photos daily. We'll post more of Gretchen with the COWBOY HAT as requested. We'll try to response to other request as possible.
Here are some caps of Alisyn and Gretchen from F&F after the show.

Post your comments about Alisyn and Gretchen.
Here are the caps of Megyn Kelly, Fox NEWS Reporter.

Thanks for this Photo!
Don't forget to post your comments about Megyn.
Is Megyn Kelly in AskMen top 99 most desirable women?Here are the caps of Gretchen Carlson. Fox and Friends from last week after the show. These are requested by Jose.

And Here's Alisyn Camerota. From F&F Weekend Edition.
I hope you enjoy the caps of your favorite Cable News Reporter this week. Just post your comments about them.
We'll post more of your favorite reporters SOON...
I'll be traveling to New York this weekend. I hope I can stop at there studio.
Enjoy your week!!!