Wednesday morning on Fox and Friends. We'll post more of Wednesday caps. Today's topic "SHOES".
Tuesday morning on Fox and Friends.
Monday morning on FOX and FRIENDS.
Here's Gretchen holding the blackberry, they are browsing the Victoria's Secret site.
Here are more caps/pictures of Gretchen Carlson.
Next Posting: When HOOTERS Ladies visited FOX AND FRIENDS. We'll post more this caps below soon, together with other new and old but best caps.
And who is this Fox Business News Lady below. If you know her name just post your comment. We'll reveal her name on the next posting.
Yes, its Anna Gilligan. Wow, you know it's her even she's not facing the camera. You are a FOX fanatic like the others here. We'll post more caps of her if you guys want it.
ABC News, NBC News, CNN News and CBS News. Do they have ladies like in Fox News?
Don't forget to post your comments for your favorite news reporters and favorite caps this week.
THANKS to all who post their comments last week.