First and quickest: the schedule finally comes out tomorrow. Hmmm.... that's only three days after our announcement that we'd settled on a 12th opponent. Wonder which school was holding up the process? Our bad, yo.
Second, we lost last night. Again. At least we're waiting until the second quarter to break down and lose instead of getting it over with at the opening tip. That way you can probably just attribute it to a talent and experience gap.
Oh, and hey. Seems I pissed off some of THE Florida State University faithful, who didn't like being called "nouveau-riche goons." ("Renegade program", however, struck no chords. Interesting.) Anyway, long-time readers (both of you) may remember that I've already called THE Florida State University much worse names than that, so I'm not all that sorry.
Besides, Florida State is nouveau-riche. When the Ivy League was first playing the game, TFSU was called West Florida Seminary. When Fielding Yost's Michigan teams were scoring a "Point A Minute"; when Notre Dame's Four Horseman were terrorizing opponents; when Army's Mr. Inside and Mr. Outside were winning national championships, TFSU was called the Florida Female College. While now-mediocre teams like Michigan State and Maryland were having their glory days under coaches who now have buildings named for them, TFSU was going 1-8-1 against the likes of Stetson, VMI, Furman, and Wofford. Their real tradition dates back to 1976 when Bobby Bowden was hired - 100 years less tradition than some schools - and they just ganked somebody else's schtick. If that's not nouveau-riche, I don't know what to tell you. Then they play bully-on-the-block by scheduling the two worst teams they can find, just so there's no real repercussions from one of the most blatant cases of academic cheating the NCAA has seen. You might notice a little trash talking about basketball in the game preview below from some TFSU fans who are not goons at all, which is a little bit like an Arizona Cardinals fan thumping his chest at a St. Louis Rams fan.
I would retract the "goons" comment if they could stop getting into fights.
Anyway, enough about that. Life's too short; recruit instead. The 2010 board is updated. New faces:
- WR Adrian Flemming in the blue section, who claims UVA and Maryland as a top two for now.
- RB Darnell Kirkwood and LB Aramide Olaniyan in the yellow section.
- TE Kyle Baublitz in the red section; he boasts too many offers to be anywhere else for now.
- Also, DE Zack McCray is moved to red since he is widely considered a future Hokie.
Tomorrow's post, of course, will be all schedule. This weekend is not only Junior Day, but President's Day as well, which means three-day weekend. I'm going to use the time to work on several long-promised, not-at-all-followed-through-on projects, including:
- the Georgia Tech highlights
- an update and some changes to the depth chart by class
- the "recruit" series (Oday Aboushi is next; there are four to go) and possibly an index to the writeups.
- my patented basketblogpoll ranking formula
Look forward to it!