- Emotional Edge Play: Polyamory for BDSM/Leather/Fetish Folks
- Safe Enough and Free Enough: Communication and Boundaries in Alternative Relationshipland
- The Shadow Side of Eros: Sex Addiction
Monday, April 25, 2011
Beltane is Almost Here!
So spring has finally arrived, and come Thursday I'll be heading to NE Maryland for that exceedingly adult rite of spring, Free Spirit Beltane. Registration has closed and it is sold out, and no wonder considering what a great job Turtlehill Events does at organizing this event. Every year there are new opportunities to explore sacred sexuality, along with learning practices and skills to utlize to heighten and enhance these experiences.
I suppose my workshops fall into the latter category. In other workshops attendees might learn how to experience physical pain as an ordeal and rite of passage, but my work is more about learning to manage, resolve or avoid pain of the relationship-related emotional kind. I'll be presenting three workshops:
Dinner will lead directly into the Fires of Venus ritual, described as "Tonight we begin a Sacred Love Spell. A spell that will touch our lives, open our hearts, and change the way we move through the world." And, of course, somewhere along the way we'll dance the maypole (phallic design complete with Prince Albert piercing) and add a fourth or so layer of interwoven ribbon that takes on layer and layer of energy and meaning with every passing Beltane celebration.
I'll be staying with all my friends from Sandbox Explorations, and as usual, we have a community kitchen planned. My job is to set up the coffee station and make sure we all have hot, immediately available, good quality coffee each morning.
Now, if only the Gods and Goddesses will smile upon us and gift our senses with warmth and sunshine!