Chicken (cut into 12 pieces) 1 kg
Kashmiri red chilies (soaked overnight and ground) 4
Ginger Garlic paste 1 tbsp
Cumin crushed (pissa hoa zeera) 1 tsp heaped
Salt 1 ½ tsp
Vinegar 2 tbsp
Orange red color a pinch
Chili sauce 1 tbsp heaped
Chili garlic sauce 1 tbsp heaped
Oil 1/4 cup
Clarified butter (Ghee) 2 tbsp
Tomato 1 medium size
Potatoes (cut into thick wedges) 2
- Blend together tomato, vinegar, ginger garlic, cumin, tsp salt, pinch of orange color, chili sauce, chili garlic sauce and ground red chilies.
- Marinate chicken in this paste for few hours,
- Heat oil and ghee in a pan, add chicken with all Masala and potato wedges, cook over low flame till chicken and potatoes get soft, serve with Paratha.