Over the last three years, the Polyamory Leadership Network has evolved into a very active entity, however loosely organized. It includes people from around the world who make some kind of contribution toward raising awareness of polyamory and supporting those who live poly lives. Basically its members make whatever contribution they wish to make without red tape approval processes. There is no board of directors, because we poly people are an independent, ornery bunch, don'tchaknow, none of us being especially inclined to answer to authority. :)
But seriously, check out the PLN website, and if you are someone who makes a contribution to the poly world or has a burning desire to do so, consider becoming a member. PLN members collaborate via a very active google group. We hold summits once or twice a year, so far mostly following Loving More's Poly Living conferences, where the picture above was taken in October 2010 following Poly Living in Seattle. That's me in the second row, last person on the right, sitting next to the awesome Dossie Easton, she of The Ethical Slut co-authorship fame. All I would need is Janet Hardy on my left to make my day. Make that make my year.
Hope to see you at the next PLN summit, which is yet to be scheduled, and in the meantime, on the PLN Google group.