anthony weiner scandal, appearing on the "Opie and Anthony" trade show on the Sirius XM telephone system arrangement, showed the picture on his cell phone all through the interview, according to Breitbart and the show's hosts.
A television camera recorded the image of the cell phone with the picture on its screen, and with the intention of image was at that time sent made known on Twitter by the trade show host renowned as Opie, whose real first name is Gregg Hughes.
According to weiner twitter scandal , he got the photo from a woman who communicated with Weiner online. The woman told Breitbart with the intention of Weiner sent her the photo.
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On Monday, Breitbart told reporters he had an "X-rated" photo with the intention of had been sent to a woman by Weiner. Breitbart understood at that time he wasn't vacant to relief it publicly pro currently about weiner scandal.
Democrats offer Weiner advice
When asked by a reporter shortly Monday if he may possibly deny Breitbart's aver with the intention of an X-rated photo existed, Weiner understood: "No, I cannot."
Both Breitbart and the "Opie and Anthony" hosts understood Wednesday with the intention of the broadcast relief of the photo occurred lacking Breitbart's information.
Happened, Hughes understood a viewer using screen-capture equipment sent co-host Anthony Cumia the televised image of Breitbart's phone screening the photo.
What was Weiner thinking?
Hughes understood he at that time took a cellphone photo of Cumia's cellphone screening the screen-captured image of Breitbart's cellphone with the photo on its screen.
We did," Hughes understood in the YouTube record.
"I'm convinced with the intention of Andrew Breitbart did not aspire this picture to be released by this calculate," Hughes continued. Inside his own statement, Breitbart understood he regretted the photo had entered the broadcast domain.
The controversy surrounding New York sales rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter tab, and the coarse photograph found therein, has not subsided. Enlarge
(Photo: REUTERS / Nicholas Roberts)
U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) questions a witness by the U.S House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations in this area the shape things of the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, September 8, 2006.
On Monday, a website run by conservative liberal Andrew Breitbart posted extra pictures of Wiener -- pictures, the locate alleges, with the intention of were emailed to a childish woman he declined to identify, CBS News reported.
Breitbart's website, BigGovernment.Com claims with the intention of the extra woman has occur forwards with photos, chats and emails she claims were sent to her by the congressman, suggesting the two were involved in "an online, consensual link relating the mutual chat of intimate photographs."
The initially picture shows Weiner holding a cut of paper with the word "me" on paper on it, an arrow pointing to his visage. According to Breitbart's BigGovernment.Com, Weiner sent the photo to verify to the woman it was, in detail, he whom she was corresponding with online.
Get other IBTimes from anthonyweiner@aol.Com with the theme line "Me and the pussys."
The now-famous, first photo of the decrease body of a man wearing underwear was posted to the Democratic representative's Twitter tab on May 27; Weiner insists with the intention of he did not placement the photo and believes his tab was hacked as a prank. The childish woman, to whom the tweet was directed, understood she was being harassed by someone tiresome to smear the congressman. Weiner, who again maintains the salacious tweet was the bring about of a hacker, has retained an attorney to investigate the topic.