I tweeted so much earlier:
@SaraAlcid You're not being "harassed." You're being mocked, hilariously, and there's a difference.
— Donald Douglas (@AmPowerBlog) August 13, 2013
What's particularly interesting to me about this women is that she's merely a robotic automaton for the mindless lockstep ideology of the post-civil rights left. When one claims with a straight face that abortion and reproductive health issues (i.e., birth control) are LGBT issues you've seriously jumped the shark. At this point it's about political correctness on steroids. And the woman's reaction is a sort of plasmatic feedback loop in which just a mere masculine response to feminist inanity, even a snicker, is evidence of "rape culture." In other words, it doesn't get any better than this. Just grab some popcorn and get ready for side stitches.
The background is here, "Robert Stacy McCain Goes Deep Inside the World of Hardcore Feminism."
And Robert updates, "Disagreement as ‘Harassment’? @StephHerold Says Tell the FBI."