Woody Allen's just-released movie has the poly community all abuzz. Vicky Cristina Barcelona stars Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Scarlett Johanssan, Rebecca Hall, and in a small roll, one of my favorite actresses, Patricia Clarkson.
This movie isn't really about a truly polyamorous relationship, but there are similarities. It's about two friends who spend the summer in Barcelona, where they are introduced to (and seduced by) a painter (Bardem), who has a passionate relationships with his ex wife (Cruz), one of those ongoing love-hate sorts of relationships. You know, can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em. In the trailer below, Cruz is heard to say that it made her feel wonderful to hear her ex husband and his summer lover, Johanssan, making love. Sounds like compersion to me.
See Alan's Polyamory in the News post on a very recent article in the New York Daily News on threesomes inspired by the release of VCB, with links to the article.
VCB was a selected film for the Canne International Film Festival in May. It opened in the U.S. this past Friday, August 15. As a Woody Allen film, you know there's going to be sex, and there is, apparently including a caliente scene between Johanssan and Cruz ..... yum. Can't wait.