The National Polyamory Leadership Summit is convened to gather leaders who serve our community for a professionally facilitated dialogue that further determines common ground and the means by which to move the Polyamory movement forward.
Cost:* $50 in person (limited seating), $25 by teleconference
Requirements for Participation:
Submission of Survey Answers by February 15, 2009 to Anita Wagner at Anita.Wagner@practicalpolyamory.com
Payment of the participation fee by February 15, 2009
Attendees click here to register and pay via Paypal.
Teleconference click here to register and pay via Paypal.
(If you have trouble with the PayPal link right click and please copy the URL to your browser or contact Robyn with Loving More at 970-667-5683 or polysummit@lovingmorenonprofit.org)
A Partial List of Invited Leaders: (in alphabetical order)
Aiken MacIain (relationship expert, Mandala Enterprises)
Alan M (Creator of PolyInTheMedia.com)
Andrew Hoerner (author, Love and Polytics)
Barbara Foster (Author of Three in Love)
Beki Rosenthal MPA (author, educator, mediator “Miss Polyamory” on YouTube)
C.T. Butler (Author, activist)
Catalina Castells ( organizer Free Spirit Gatherings)
Cunning Minx (Creator of Polyamory Weekly Podcast)
Dave Hall (poly presenter/former president of Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality -West division)
David Lynn (LovingMore worker, non-profits specialist)
Dawn Davidson (relationship expert, Mandala Enterprises)
Deborah Taj Anapol (author, Polyamory: the New Love Without Limits)
Dr. Beth Leszczyn (poly psychologist/workshop facilitator)
Dr. David Doleshal (Saturnia Regna/World Polyamory Assoc.)
Dr. Ken Haslam (Creator of the Polyamory Library at the Kinsey Institute)
Dr. Mim Chapman (poly expert/leader)
Dr. Sasha Lessin (co-author, Polyamory: Many Loves/World Polyamory Assoc.)
Elaine Cook (CASCADE) (founding member of Poly Researcher’s List)
Franklin Veaux (poly activist/writer)
Harlan White (UU Poly/ Activist Seattle)
Janet Kiran Lessin (co-author, Polyamory: Many Loves/World Polyamory Assoc.)
Jasmine Walston (Representing Unitarian Universalists for Polyamory Awareness)
Jenny Block (Author of Open: Love, Sex and Life in an Open Marriage)
Jim Fleckenstein (author, Executive Director, Institute for 21st Century
Relationships / Foundation of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom)
Joe Melhado (Leader of Tri-State Poly)
John Ulman (author, media relations)
Jon Webster (polyactivist)
Justen Bennett-Maccubbin (Founder, Polyamorous NYC)
Kamala Devi (poly expert/author)
Kelly Bryson (poly speaker/author/activist)
Kyle Applegate(Director of Membership, Polyamorous NYC)
Leanna Wolfe (Polyamorist, author and anthropologist)
Leon Feingold, Esq. (Director of Legal Affairs, Polyamorous NYC)
Liyana Silver (Creator of Re-defining Monogamy.com)
Lyndell Moore (Former Director of Events Planning, Polyamorous NYC)
Marcia Baczynski (Relationship and sex expert, co-creator of Cuddle Party)
Mary Elizabeth (Poly Group Organizers list and Utah group leader)
Mary Wolf (poly activist)
Matthew Tenney (poly activist, NPLSOG consultant)
Michael Baisden (celebrity radio host and TV One polyamory show producer)
Nan Wise (Therapist and polyamory spokesperson)
Oberon and Morning Glory Zell ( Church of All Worlds)
Patrick Durgin-Bruce (Director of Communications, Polyamorous NYC)
Peppermint (activist and organizer in California)
Pete Benson (Author of The Polyamory Handbook)
Reid Mihalko (Relationship and sex expert, co-creator of Cuddle Party)
Rick Sandford (community activist, organizational development advisor)
Robert McGary (therapist, runs The Human Potential Center)
Serena Anderlini-D' Onofrio (Author, activist)
Simon Deacon (Director of Monthly Meetings, Polyamorous NYC)
Terry Brussel (founder Live the Dream)
Tristan Taormino (Author of Opening Up)
Valerie White (Family Tree Boston/ Lawyer/ Activist/ UUPA)
Zhahai Stewart (poly activist, counselor, facilitator for Human Awareness Institute)
Organizing Committee(in alphabetical order):
Anita Wagner (polyamory advocate, activist, blogger & Loving More Board Member)
Antonia Levy (Director of Academic Relations, Polyamorous NYC)
Birgitte Philippides (National Polyactivist / Former President, Polyamorous NYC)
Buck Lawrence (Treasurer, Polyamorous NYC)
Carol Morotti-Meeker (Board Member, The Institute for 21st Century Relationships /
Foundation of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom)
Diana Adams, Esq. (Vice President, Polyamorous NYC)
Donna Mellan (Director of Business Affairs, Polyamorous NYC)
Jesus Garcia (Board Member of Loving More Nonprofit)
Mark Van Pelt (Former Secretary, Polyamorous NYC)
Michael Rios (polyactivist/Network for New Culture)
MorpheusNYC (polyactivist, founder of Pleasure Positive Movement and nycALTevents)
Robyn Trask (Managing Director of Loving More Nonprofit)
Sarah Taub (polyactivist/Network for New Culture)
Please answer and return to Anita Wagner
( anita.wagner@practicalpolyamory.com )
Not later than February 15, 2009
(Cut and paste in an email is fine.)
The National Polyamory Leadership Group is a collaborative group of polyamory community leaders from around the U.S. who have come together to work to carry the polyamory movement forward. Its meetings welcome participation both via physical presence and via teleconference. The organization advocates for the interests of all who self-identify as polyamorous regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or political point of view.
All participants are expected to commit to the following:
To volunteer to do their fair share of the work of the group.
To do their best to stay engaged with and aware of the ongoing work of the group.
To collaborate with others in a productive manner.
To keep conflict to a minimum and avoid it entirely whenever possible.
To avoid placing personal agendas ahead of the work of the organization.
In order to help us get to know you better, please provide us with the following survey information via email as instructed above:
Phone Number
Email Address
Local poly groups in which you may participate
How long have you considered yourself a polyamory activist, advocate and/or organizer?
Please describe your polyamory activism, advocacy and/or community organizing experience.
Please describe any analogous activism, advocacy and/or community organizing experience you may have and can contribute.
What other skills and abilities might you contribute, especially those career-related?
Please share your personal philosophy about polyamory activism and what motivates you to join us.
Please share anything else you'd like us to know about you.
We appreciate your interest in becoming part of this groundbreaking effort!
*No profit is realized – expenses for room rental, meals and teleconferencing services are equitably passed through to participants.