Oh for pete's sake! I'm one of those people whose reaction to such as this video goes from amusement to outright disgust at the paranoia some people, especially some parents, bring to anything that remotely suggests human sexuality in the context of a child's world. Interestingly, Walmart is usually the source of such extreme reactions (they sell no CDs that include parental warnings), but in this case Walmart is the alleged guilty party.
The video clearly shows that the other straws in the package are made in random shapes. Were the other straw shapes made in some clearly identifiable shape, she might have a point, though I think the interviewer correctly observes that the straws in question could be space shuttles or some such. And if I were the person responsible for designing penis-shaped drinking straws, I think I could do a better and more realistic job.
Next thing we'll be hearing is that using these heinous penis-shaped drinking straws is responsible for a kid being gay, or a slut, or both, later in life.
Lady, get a life.